






Healthy bread will make you strong, and the nutrients will keep you warm during the Taipei winter. If you are looking for an ultimate challenge that will take all your strength, maybe this one is for you. Forget New York marathon. In Sweden the ultimate test of endurance is called the Swedish classic. Often the participant is a mid aged man, once an athletic youth with high aspirations. Fearing the day when his sons will outrun him. A final proof of his strength and the denial of the natural process that is inevitable.



The challenge comes in four colors, each having to be completed within a year. Each a challenge in itself! Most exercise freaks can handle one, but it takes the dedication of a man in his final days of youth (or whatever you want to call a man in his forties) to complete all four. Each race assembles a wide range of personalities. From the athletic youths, to our mid age hero; to the old grandfather that has done the race every year since the beginning of time. Making me feel bad, since my only experience of these races is watching the summary on the evening news while drinking a beer.  Hey the race starts at 7:00am who is able to get up for the live coverage?


參加者由各個不同年齡層、不同特質的人組成,從青年運動員、我們這種中年逞英雄、一直到從開賽至今年年參加的超猛阿公都有,其實我是有點汗顏的,我對這些競賽唯一的參與,是晚間新聞的時候邊喝啤酒邊看競賽結果統整,哎呀~ 這些運動早上七點開賽,誰起得來啊!?!? (完全牽拖XD)


(取自Vasaloppet cross country ski FB)


The year starts with 90 km skiing (Vasaloppet). That’s more than twice a marathon, in ice cold weather (about -10).  From what I have heard, the races are amazing. All 15,000 start at the same time, with the winner taking about 4 hours to complete.

整年度的極限運動比賽由 90公里滑雪揭開序幕,它比馬拉松的兩倍距離還要長,而且是在零下10酷寒天氣中進行。據我所知,它是一個非常酷的比賽,一萬五千人同時同地出發,在四小時後就有贏家出現。

(取自Vasaloppet cross country ski FB)


If you think 90km skiing was bad, get ready for the next challenge. Only a few months later. The skis have been replaced with a bicycle. Again more than 10,000 people will participate in a 300km bicycle race. Yes that’s right, that’s equal to the distance from Taipei to Tainan. At least you do not need to freeze and you can calmly bike into the night if needed. In June it never gets dark. The race goes around the second biggest lake “Vättern” hence the name “Vätternrundan” (around vättern).

如果妳覺得90公里的滑雪比賽是不可能的任務,那你對下一個比賽要有心理準備。滑雪比賽結束的幾個月後,下一個登場的是騎單車比賽。當然,同時也會有超過一萬人參與這項300公里的單車競賽。是的,300公里的距離幾乎等於台北到台南的距離。不過至少你不用受寒受凍,比賽舉辦的六月天不會天黑,賽道繞著瑞典第二大湖Vättern,也因此這項比賽的名字就叫 “Vätternrundan”,參賽者可以在夜晚心平氣和地騎著單車當遊湖。




Three weeks late, hope you are well rested. Put on your swimming suit and get ready for 3 km of swimming (Vansbro simmningen). This is the same distance as the sun moon lake race in Taiwan. So this should be easy for you guys.

三個星期之後,希望你已經休息得差不多了。這個時候,你可以換上你的泳裝準備參加3公里的游泳比賽 (Vansbro simmningen)。這個距離和台灣橫跨日月潭的比賽相當,應該對台灣人來說是比較簡單的一項吧!


Finally in the end of September, 30,000 fanatics are racing for 30km. At first, it seems easy, not to a beer drinking man as me, but to some of you youngster out there. It is indeed less than a marathon. Hey wait it is a catch, you won’t have nice road to run at. Nope this race takes place in the forest. Cross country running… With health freaks like that you need multi grain breads to keep them happy.

最後一項是在九月月底,會有大約三萬個選手一起跑30公里的競賽。或許這聽起來不太難(當然不是針對我這個成天喝啤酒的歐吉桑,而是你們年輕人),比一般的馬拉松距離還短。不過,它是有陷阱的! 你的步道不是平坦的柏油路,而是在森林裡上上下下顛頗的路程。如果你是個追求健康的達人,你或許需要一些全麥麵包陪你度過這項比賽!


So what do you get for all that effort? A simple diploma to hand on the wall, and a story to tell your grand kids! My dad’s oldest uncle once finished second in the Vasaloppet. He proudly showed his medal when given the opportunity. Be it, it was in the 1920’s and there was only a handful competing.



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Swedish people like the outdoors, healthy bread and fanatic exercises. I’m two out of three. I do love the outdoors, if I can pick the paste and length myself and I do try to eat healthy. If you want some excellent healthy bread, try our multigrain bread. It is delicious.

瑞典人喜歡戶外活動、健康的麵包以及瘋狂的運動,我本身只符合三分之二。我確實喜愛戶外活動,如果我可以選擇我想要的路線和長度,我也試著吃得健康點,如果你想試試一些好吃的健康麵包,試試我們的雜糧麵包,好吃喔~ (至於極限運動,就敬謝不敏了哈哈)


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