


Nej, 其實是Gunhanker成員之一拋磚引玉先寫出的思鄉文



(Gunnar Johansson)


Taiwan is the total opposite from my home town. Almost 12 months of summer, no snow and a lot of people everywhere you go.


My home town, Umeå, is located just south of the Arctic Circle. The winter is cold and very dark. The temperature often goes below -25C. In the middle of December, we have less than 2 hours of sun. The summer is very comfortable, the temperature range between 20 and 25 C. In the end of June, the sun never set, you can be out having fun all night without noticing that shift between night and day. Growing up in Sweden, it is dark during winter and bright during the summer. During the summer and winter, there is almost no difference between night and day.


I grew up in a house right next to the forest. I have always had nature right next to be. During the summers we go to the forest and pick berries. During the winter we had to go out skiing. Being a kid you really hated the times when you had to go out and pick berries, for hours. Knowing that a mosquito is going to attack you every second! Sometimes you could see clouds of small beast flying against you. I think I spend more time killing mosquitoes rather than picking berries. Strangely as you get older, you stop noticing the mosquitoes biting you. I guess in one sense you get ” immune”.  Being a dad, I feel the importance of passing on my culture to my daughter. Back in the days, people had no choice rather than live out of nature.

我生長在森林旁邊的一棟小屋,大自然就圍繞在我的身邊。夏天的時候我們在森林裡採收各式各樣的莓,冬天的時候就到戶外滑雪。童年時期,有時候你會真的非常討厭長時間在外面採莓,因為會被上千隻蚊子攻擊--你可以看到蚊子形成一大片黑壓壓的烏雲朝你飛來,有時候我覺得我花在打蚊子的時間可能比採莓還要多!不過奇怪的是,長大以後就漸漸忘記被蚊子叮咬的感覺,或許已經免疫了吧! 現在已經是父親的我,深覺把這種傳統的文化和親子活動傳給下一代是很重要的事情,雖然以前的人是沒有選擇才會到森林去採莓的


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My mom grew up in the middle of the forest several kilometers to the nearest neighbor. They had to go out and pick berries for the winter. The aspect of taking care of nature and living out of nature is important to most Swedish people. The ability to drink to water straight out of the rivers, being out in the forest and picking berries are very important to us. Despite how much I disliked fighting the mosquitoes during the summer trips to the forest picking berries or having to go out on skiing trips with the school when it was almost -30C. I think we are lucky to have untouched and clean nature right outside of our house.

我媽媽是在森林裡長大的,她最近的鄰居離她要好幾公里。他們必須在冬天來臨之前到森林裡去採收足夠的莓。對瑞典人來說,學會尊重大自然和仰賴大自然生存是非常重要的! 對我們來說,從河流裡直接取水來喝或是到森林裡採莓都是我們非常注重的生活型態。雖然我討厭跟森林裡的蚊子戰鬥,或者在零下30度的冷天跟著學校的課外旅行去滑雪,我還是深感幸運,因為瑞典有那麼多的自然資源,一切都是唾手可得!

When my daughter gets older, I will take her back to my hometown and teach her about the nature. How to find the best berries, how to ski, and most importantly how to appreciate nature. She might not like it at first, but I hope she feels the same way I do when she gets older. Sweden has one of the few areas of clean and relatively untouched nature. I think it has to do with generations after generation respecting and taking care of the nature. I think it is important to keep that tradition going.

我的女兒長大以後,我會帶她回到我的家鄉教導她關於大自然的一切 -- 哪裡去找最好的莓,如何滑雪,還有最重要的,要如何尊重大自然。他或許剛開始不會太喜歡,但我相信她長大後也會跟我感同身受!瑞典是在很多國家當中少有原始自然景觀的國家,我認為這是代代相傳尊重大自然和保育大自然這些觀念的結果。我們應該要讓這個傳統繼續延續下去!






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